Category: Latest news

It won’t stand.
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Association Najdeh, in partnership with the Norwegian People’s Aid, launched a campaign (It Won’t Stand) to urge those concerned in supporting menstrual poverty in Palestinian camps and gatherings in Lebanon, in light of the difficult economic and living conditions experienced by refugees.
Women and girls face double suffering with the prices of menstrual products rising exponentialy. The lack of support for menstrual requirements is one of the priorities of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), which forced some of women to resort to alternatives such as, doubled their suffering and threatened their health, reproductive and even psychological wellbeing.
We talk about the needs of women and girls to raise awareness, as it is often seen as taboo to discuss the menstrual requirements, which is one of the causes of menstrual poverty. The total aid distributed from menstrual requirements in the Palestinian camps reached 973 families. This is within the work from the Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) project in Palestinian camps and gatherings in Lebanon.

Visit of a high-level French delegation to Associaion Najdeh in the Bekaa centres.
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Saadnayel, Bekaa, Association Najdeh and the Asmaih Foundation received a high-level French delegation composed of Mr. Eric Chavlier, Director of the Crisis Support Centre, and Mr. Arthur Bhutto, from the Centre for Humanitarian Operations and Stability, at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Mr. Sebastian Lessolnier, the support officer at the French Embassy in Lebanon and their accompanying delegation.
The visit came within the framework of inspecting and following up the project “Promoting the social and economic integration of vulnerable youth, especially young women, in the Bekaa region, Lebanon.” Funded by the Support and Crisis Centre with the support of the Asmaia Foundation. The delegation was received by a representative of the Asmaia Foundation in Lebanon, Mr. Nadim Khadaj, Ms. Leila El-Ali, Director of the Association Najdef, and Mr. Osama Hamza, the Director of the Bekaa Branch in Association Najdeh.

From You to Them
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With the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, the month of mercy, charity, and kindness, and in light of the difficult economic and social conditions imposed by the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID–19), which makes the living conditions of many Palestine refugee families in Lebanon more difficult as they struggle to secure their daily livelihood.
The Social Affairs Program at Najdeh Social Association announces the campaign From You to Them, the aim being to provide some of the needs of those struggling and marginalised Palestinian families in camps and gatherings by providing them with material and in–kind assistance. The campaign starts from now and continues throughout the blessed month of Ramadan. You can participate in supporting needy families through your contributions and donations by contacting:

Life despite everything
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Our appointment with you is on Thursday, January 21 at 7pm Lebanese time, To attend the webinar “Life Despite Everything” on the situation of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, organised by the French-Palestinian Solidarity Association and the Najdeh Social Association. The internet links below will allow you to participate in the event, to follow via Zoom or via Facebook.
To follow it with the Zoom app: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85321141836
To follow it with Facebook:
To follow us on Facebook:

Wear your mask.
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Association Najdeh in partnership with, Asmae (Association Soeur Emmanuelle), launched a community campaign in Saadnael, Bekaa, on the importance of using masks in prevention (wear your mask).
Through a tour, of the team, within the gathering points of the central market, shops, and camp neighbourhoods, the main messages related to adapting behaviour in accord to COVID-19 were received. This was achieved through awareness, publications, and supplying masks and hygiene supplies, which were distributed to 500 families most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Let the smile remain

I saw you, I revealed you.
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The Women’s Rights Program at Association Najdeh, in cooperation with Norwegian popular aid in Burj Al-Barajneh camp, launched its ‘I saw you’ campaign to combat extortion and electronic harassment.
The campaign was launched after the shocking figures reported revealing the high rate of violence and electronic extortion practised against women and girls, during the Covid 19 pandemic, paired with the lack of sufficient mechanisms to confront it. These practises are due to the patriarchal community and culture that is based on blaming women and the discrimination against them, in addition to self-isolation measures, which confined women and girls to one space with the abuser.
Based on this reality, women and girls have reported exposure to cyber-violence and extortion of all kinds, hence, the campaign was launched. The campaign focusses not only on combatting extortion and cyber harassment, but also on their right to access and use the Internet freely and safely without being subjected to violence, bullying or blackmail.
In effect, providing accessible psychosocial support to women and girls through our specialised team, our security line service, and providing protection through the network to protect women in Palestinian camps and gatherings.
#I saw you_I revealed you

تدريب حول العنف ضد النساء والفتيات
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بيروت، في إطار مشروع الحماية من العنف القائم على أساس النوع الاجتماعي (SGBV) في المخيمات والتجمعات الفلسطينية في لبنان والممول من المساعدات الشعبية النرويجية قامت جمعية النجدة الإجتماعية بتنظيم يوم تدريبي، بهدف تعزيز معارف ومهارات كادر برنامج حقوق المرأة حول العنف ضد النساء والفتيات في المواثيق الدولية والإقليمية، وفي قوانين الأحوال الشخصية والعقوبات اللبنانية، وإيجابيات إنفاذ قوانين شاملة تجرم العنف ضد النساء وتعالج كافة أشكاله، بمشاركة 12 كادر من البرنامج.
تضمن التدريب بداية عرض لإحصائيات محلية وعالمية كمؤشرات للانتهاكات التي تتعرض لها النساء والفتيات كمدخل لتقديم ومناقشة أهم الإتفاقيات والقرارات الدولية لمناهضة التمييز والعنف ضد المرأة مع التعمق بثلاث إتفاقيات مفصلية (إتفاقية السيداو – قرار 1325 – إتفاقية اسطنبول- اتفاقية منع ومكافحة العنف ضد المرأة والعنف المنزلي)، ومقارنتها بالتشريعات والقوانين المحلية ومدى مطابقتها ومعارضتها لهذه الإتفاقيات.
في نهاية اليوم التدريبي ومن خلال مجموعات العمل تم رصد أبرز التحديات في تطبيق هذه الاتفاقيات في السياق المحلي والآليات التي يمكن العمل من خلالها لسد الفجوات بين الاتفاقيات والتشريعات المحلية.

Visit of a delegation from the Embassy of Switzerland in Lebanon to Najdeh Social Association.
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A delegation from the Embassy of Switzerland in Lebanon visited the centres of Najdeh Social Association alongside the Tadamon Association for Social and Cultural Development. A meeting was held with the partners cooperating in the project ‘to enhance protection and support for the most vulnerable children’.
Ms. Leila El–Ali, Director of Najdeh Social Association, welcomed the delegation and spoke about the situation of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, the activities of the association, its dynamic social and cultural programs, and the services and roles it provides in raising awareness and defending the rights of women and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. She pointed out that the social problems of the camp can only be addressed by granting Palestinian refugees their human and social rights, ending with the delegation toured the alleys of the camp.

Training on violence against women and girls
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In Beirut, within the framework of the regional project “Combating Violence against Women in the Southern Mediterranean Region“, funded by the European Union, the Euro–Mediterranean Feminist Network, and its members in Lebanon. Association Najdeh, and the Lebanese Democratic Women‘s Gathering, organised a training day targeting activists from civil society organisations and community initiatives from all Lebanese regions, on October 16, 2020, at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Beirut. This was done for the aim of enhancing their knowledge and skills about violence against women and girls in international conventions.
The training highlighted the Lebanese personal status and penal laws, and the advantages of enforcing comprehensive laws that criminalise violence against women and address all its forms. 13 activists participated in the training, and the participants showed a distinctive interaction with the topics raised, especially since the majority of them live in remote areas where women and girls suffer from many types of discrimination and violence related to the prevailing masculine customs, traditions, and culture.
The training included a presentation of local and international statistics as indicators of violations against women and girls as an introduction to present and discuss the most important international conventions and resolutions to combat violence and discrimination against women. The statistics included three in-depth pivotal conventions (CEDAW Convention – Resolution 1325 – Istanbul Convention) and compared them with local legislation and laws and the extent of their conformity and opposition to these conventions.
At the end of the training day, through the working groups, the most prominent challenges in the application of these agreements were confronted, in the local context, and the mechanisms through which work can be done to bridge the gaps between local agreements and legislation was accomplished.