Category: Latest news

Breathing away anger… Talk.

Breathing away anger… Talk.

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Tyre, Shabriha gathering, Association Najdeh, in cooperation with Norwegian People’s Aid, launched the “Breathe” initiative on anger, within the Women’s and Girls’ Rights Program.

This involves the making of community initiatives to enable women to participate in political and public life at the Shabriha Community for Palestinian Refugees, in Tyre, under the patronage of the elected Shabriha Raza Aoun, with the participation of the People’s Committee, Institutions and NGOs.

The initiative comes in the sense, “Breathe” away anger – we talk to mitigate domestic violence by acquiring skills to deal with anger. People usually express their anger in negative ways such as the use of violence, including violence against women.

Therefore, the initiative aims to encourage to ‘Breathe’ for the acquisition of skills to deal with anger in positive ways, which leads to reducing violence in general, towards women in particular, and thus enhancing protection from violence. It is in efforts to aid people in acquiring the skill of venting anger in healthy ways, which is reflected on the health of women and the family as a whole.

As the official of the Women’s and Girls’ Rights Program, Hiba Hajaj stressed the importance of the initiative.

This initiative had a positive echo in the Palestinian gathering as it enabled women to assume prominent positions in political and public life, where two main points were given to allow one to vent their anger in the gathering.

“Enough Plastic”, a youth environmental initiative, in Beddawi camp in northern Lebanon

“Enough Plastic”, a youth environmental initiative, in Beddawi camp in northern Lebanon

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Najdeh Social Association launched the “Enough Plastic campaign within the youth initiatives in Beddawi Palestinian refugee camp, northern Lebanon, funded by the Danish International Development Agency (Danida) and supported by Oxfam.

The campaign comes to raise awareness of the importance of reducing single-use plastic and combating plastic pollution, and the goal of the ‘Enough plastic’ initiative is to reduce the use of unnecessary and avoidable plastics that cause problems (including singleuse plastics). This is In order to raise awareness about the importance of sorting Waste and recycling, raising awareness about the dangers of plastic, finding alternatives to it, and driving community behaviours to start making a change and keeping the camp clean.

Over the course of two years, youth initiatives in the camp have conducted awareness workshops and the formation of community youth committees, through which a campaign was launched (Don‘t Stop Your Life) to raise awareness about drugs, and to equip (space) for women and girls to practice cultural sports activities etc., and after a field study during this year, it was found that plastic pollution is one of the problems facing our lives and its daily details in the camp. Therefore, it was made as the associations mission to reduce the use of plastic bags, raise awareness about the importance of sorting waste and recycling, and spread awareness about the dangers of plastic.

This programme will be done by placing landfills in 13 areas in the camp, repainting, cleaning, and afforestation of 5 neighbourhoods in the camp. In addition to awareness workshops, there will be the distribution of approximately 350 cloth bags to be an experiment in the beginning for minimising the use of plastic bags.

The Palestinian Popular Committees in Lebanon Honour Najdeh Social Association

The Palestinian Popular Committees in Lebanon Honour Najdeh Social Association

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In Beirut, the Najdeh Social Association received a delegation from the leadership of the popular committees in Lebanon, headed by the engineer Moneim Awad, Secretary of the Palestinian Popular Committees in Lebanon. The delegation included members of the Higher Follow-up Committee of the Popular Committees, Mr. Abu Mahmoud Ismail, Mr. Said Murad, and Mr. Abu Omar Al-Qutb.

The delegation was received by Mrs. Leila El-Ali, Director of the Najdeh Social Association, and the visit came within the framework to appreciate the national and social role of the Association.

The visit was initiated by Engineer Moneim Awad, by talking about the projects carried out by the Palestinian People’s Committees. The Department of Palestinian Refugee Affairs in the Palestine Liberation Organisation adopted these projects under the directives of Doctor Ahmed Abu Houli, member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organisation and head of the Department of Palestinian Refugee Affairs, and the keenness of His Excellency the Ambassador of the State of Palestine in Lebanon, Ashraf Dabour, to follow up on all issues of concern to our people in the camps and gatherings of Lebanon.

Engineer Moneim concluded his speech by thanking Association Najdeh for its financial support for the purchase of diesel in order to operate well pumps in Palestinian communities in the Tyre area, and in turn Ms. Leila spoke about what the Najdeh Social Association is doing in supporting initiatives to enhance community resilience, especially in Shatila and Dbayeh camps.

At the end of the visit, Engineer Menem presented a shield of appreciation and honour to Najdeh Social Association as a token of what the association offers to our Palestinian people in Lebanon.

زيارة وفد من منظمة اليونيسف لجمعية النجدة الإجتماعية في مخيم برج البراجنة

زيارة وفد من منظمة اليونيسف لجمعية النجدة الإجتماعية في مخيم برج البراجنة

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برج البراجنة، استقبلت جمعية النجدة الإجتماعية وفداً من منظمة اليونيسف ممثلاً بالسيدة جودي كانكارا والسيدة هبة أبو راشد والسيد إرنست مبانجولا وممثل مؤسسة العون الطبي للفلسطينيين«ماب» السيد محمود العدوي والوفد المرافق لهم وكان في استقبال الوفد السيدة بثينة سعد نائبة مديرة جمعية النجدة الإجتماعية ومسؤولي المشاريع والبرامج وفريق الجمعية، وقد جاءت الزيارة في إطار تفقد ومتابعة مشروع «دعم خدمات الحماية للأطفال والنساء والعائلات في المخيّمات والتجمعات الفلسطينيّة» وجال الوفد في مركز التربية والدعم النفس-اجتماعي وتم مشاركة الوفد أنشطة لمجموعة من الأطفال/ات حول المساواة بين الأطفال والطفلات وأنشطه اخرى، وفي الختام قُدمت مداخلات حول أوضاع اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في لبنان.

Visit of a delegation from UNICEF to Association Najdeh in Burj Al-Barajneh Camp.

Visit of a delegation from UNICEF to Association Najdeh in Burj Al-Barajneh Camp.

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Burj Al-Barajneh, Najdeh Social Association received a delegation from UNICEF represented by Ms. Judy Kankara, Ms. Heba Abu Rashid, Mr. Ernest Mbangula and the representative of the Medical Aid for Palestinians “MAP”, Mr. Mahmoud Al-Adawi and his accompanying delegation who were all received by Ms. Buthaina Saad, Deputy Director of Association Najdeh.

The visit came within the framework of inspecting and following up a project ‘Supporting protection services for children, women and families in Palestinian camps and gatherings’. The delegation toured the Centre for Education and Psychosocial Support and participated in activities of a group of children, on the topic of equality between children. And in conclusion, interventions were made on the situation of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

Campaign for talking violence

Campaign for talking violence

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The Women’s and Girls’ Rights Program of Association Najdeh, in cooperation with Norwegian popular aid, launched the violent talk campaign to combat verbal violence in Shatila camp.

During a study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the situation of women and girls in Palestinian camps and gatherings in Lebanon, domestic violence rates increased in the first quarter of 2020, compared to the same time period in 2019, by 58%.

‘Although signs of physical violence may be noticeable for friends and family members, the effects of verbal and emotional violence are difficult to identify and difficult to prove’, This project is rooted with the of Association Najdeh’s Project of Empowering Women to Participate in Political and Public Life. WOMEN CAN DO IT




#16 days to combat violence against women

#16Days #orangetheworld

Student scholarships for a group of students.

Student scholarships for a group of students.

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Signing student scholarship contracts


Student scholarship contracts were signed in Dar Al Salaam for a cultural exchange for a group of university and professional students from the town of Wardaniyeh and Burj alShamali camp. In the presence of the Minister of Labour Mustafa Bayram, a number of members of the municipality of Wardaniyeh, the director of the Najdeh Social Association, Ms. Leila ElAli, and members of the administrative body of the Dar es Salaam Association for Cultural Exchange Messrs. Mohammed Saeed Garnakout, Latifa Abdulaziz, and Gebran Baalbaki. student scholarship contracts were signed, which included covering instalments, registration fees and some other expenses.

The ceremony began with a speech from Mrs. Abdulaziz, who welcomed everyone to Dar Al Salaam and introduced the scholarship project, a scholarship from the endowment from Anne Concari, and the late former Mayor of Wardaniyeh, Hussein Bayram.

The Minister of Labour addressed the humanitarian backgrounds as a push in issuing his decision, in the context of lifting the grievances of the Palestinian people and easing financial burdens as the cause of forsaking educationIn turn, Ms. Leila El-Ali thanked the Minister of Labour for his decision and called for its legislation and legalisation by the government, as she was known for her impressive humanitarian work in the Najdeh Social Association. 

The ceremony concluded with the signing of grant contracts between Dar Al Salaam and students.

Campaign ‘After 18’, to combat the early marriage of girls.

Campaign ‘After 18’, to combat the early marriage of girls.

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The Women’s and Girls’ Rights Program at Association Najdeh, in cooperation with Norwegian People’s Aid, launched its campaign #After_18 to combat early marriage of girls. After an opinion poll on the phenomenon of early marriage of social initiatives, the results of the survey showed that 86% of participants believe that the appropriate age for marriage is 18 years and above, and there is also 78% of society that disagrees with the phenomenon of early marriage.

However, the lack of adequate laws, practises and mechanisms constitute a deterrent to protecting girls from this phenomenon. One of the most prominent recommendations is the need to raise community awareness, especially among parents and girls.

Child marriage deprives girls of their childhood and threatens their lives and health. Girls who marry before the age of 18 are more likely to be victims of domestic violence and less likely to stay in school. They also suffer from worse economic livelihood and health problems than their unmarried peers, which become genetically inheritable eventually going to their children. This Project falls within the main framework of social initiatives within empowering women to participate in political and public life project continuously prevailing that WOMEN CAN DO IT.

Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights in Shatila camp

Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights in Shatila camp

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In Shatila, Najdeh Social Association received Professor de Schutter, Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights as well as his accompanying delegation. They were received by Ms. Leila ElAli, Director of Najdeh Social Association, project and program officials and the associations team. The professor’s visit to Lebanon came in order to better understand the situation of people living in poverty throughout the country, where interventions were made for refugees on the economic, social, living and health conditions of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, which are exacerbated in light of the economic crisis and the consequences of the Lebanese crisis.

A field tour was organized in Sabra and Shatila camp to highlight the ongoing suffering of the refugees, and the Special Rapporteur will issue a full report containing his findings and recommendations to the Government on how to address poverty and ensure the fulfilment of the human rights of people living in poverty in Lebanon.

المقرر الخاص المعني بالفقر المدقع وحقوق الإنسان في مخيم شاتيلا

المقرر الخاص المعني بالفقر المدقع وحقوق الإنسان في مخيم شاتيلا

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شاتيلا، استقبلت جمعية النجدة الإجتماعية البروفيسور دي شوتر المقرر الخاص المعني بالفقر المدقع وحقوق الإنسان والوفد المرافق وكان في استقبالهم السيدة ليلى العلي مديرة جمعية النجدة الإجتماعية ومسؤولي المشاريع والبرامج وفريق الجمعية، وقد جاءت الزيارة إلى لبنان من أجل فهم أفضل لوضع الأشخاص الذين يعيشون في فقر في جميع أنحاء البلاد، وتم تقديم مداخلات من اللاجئين حول الأوضاع الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والمعيشية والصحية للاجئين الفلسطينيين في لبنان والتي تتفاقم في ظل الأزمة الاقتصادية وتبعات الأزمة اللبنانية، وتم تنظيم جولة ميدانية في مخيم صبرا وشاتيلا لتسليط الضوء على المعاناة المستمرة للاجئين، وسيصدر المقرر الخاص تقريرا كاملا يحتوي على استنتاجاته وتوصياته إلى الحكومة حول كيفية معالجة الفقر وضمان التمتع بحقوق الإنسان للأشخاص الذين يعيشون في فقر في لبنان