The Women’s Rights Program at Beddawi camp organized an awareness session for the vocational rehabilitation students at the Social Aid Society on the subject of self-esteem. The session was given by psychologist Ghada Elias.
Capacity building: Leadership workshop conducted by Association Najdeh in Lebanon for the front line staff for 2 days through a project from UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women and Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation.
On the occasion of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Association Najdeh joined with the United Group for the Support of Persons with Disabilities and continued the solidarity initiative supported by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to prepare a dialogue session entitled “The right of persons with disabilities to integrate into society” And the Goodwill Ambassador for the Rights of the Palestinian People Kawthar Abdel Fattah.
This is the first regional conference organized by the Norwegian People’s Aid Organization, in partnership with AM Development Partner and Diakonia, hosting the Lebanese American University in Beirut and the Center for Women’s Studies at the Lebanese American University.
Under the project “Life –Sustaining Humanitarian Assistance to Palestinian Refugees from Syria in the Saida Camps, Tyr”, supported by the Danish Church Aid and the Right-to-Play Learning Project, Assocoation Najdeh and psycho-social Support Center organized a variety of activities on the occasion of International Day of Protection Children from the exploitation in the centers of the association in the camps over a week
Various awareness-raising activities were organized through sessions with children and parents, workshops, films, love barriers, drawings and meetings with other institutions and schools within the camps on children’s rights, especially the right to education, play and protection in times of conflict and non-discrimination and against violence and exploitation.
Child protection networks in the camps organized activities and sessions within the Kid Power series, which focused on self-confidence, self-expression and opinion, as well as the protection of children from harassment.
The Women’s Rights Program within the The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign organized a series of awareness lectures on women’s rights and the importance of empowering and enhancing the role of women in political and public participation and the need to raise awareness of the importance of this role and its positive impact on the general political and social situation. Regions and psychologists.
The campaign activities, as well as women’s sensitization sessions and workshops, included a survey in the camps on women’s empowerment to participate in political and public life, during which questions were addressed to a sample of randomly selected individuals from the community and from different nationalities.
Meetings were held for groups of men, youth meetings and an interactive theater to raise awareness and highlight the importance of women’s political participation.
The Women’s Rights Program in Sadnayl, in coordination with the CRTDA (The Collective for Research and Training on Development – Action) and WLP (Women’s Learning Partnership), organized a two-day workshop on “Leadership”. The workshop was attended by a committee of beneficiaries in the program of women’s rights and beneficiaries of other programs of the association.
The Euro-Med Women’s Rights Civil Society conference took place on 22-23 November 2017 at Samiramis Intercontinental hotel, Egypt. This event was organized by Euromed Feminist Initiative and funded by the European Union. The conference gathered over 130 representatives from 107 women’s rights and human rights organizations as well as gender experts, academia and media from 26 countries.
Under the theme “We Run for the Right to Work”, the Lebanese Lebanese Coalition for the right to work campaign and support for the right of return organized a sports marathon in which UNRWA school students, sports clubs, Scouts, and NGOs participated in Nahr al-Bared camp and attended by representatives of coalition institutions and schools.
The speech of the Lebanese Palestinian Coalition for the right to work campaign was given by Abu Saleh Mu’amad, during which he affirmed the right of the Palestinian refugees to work and that the Palestinian lives freely and with dignity until the return to Palestine.
He stressed the importance of the Palestinian-Lebanese dialogue to emphasize this right. “We in the Palestinian camps in Lebanon are distancing ourselves from interfering in Lebanese internal affairs and with reconciliation and civil peace with all Lebanese,” he said.
With regard to the Palestinian issue, he called for the need to emphasize Palestinian national unity in this difficult situation, which requires everyone to work together to make the Palestinian national unity project a success.
On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People in the presence of representatives of Palestinian parties and factions, representatives of trade unions, Palestinian labor unions, popular committees, UNRWA director in Bekaa, director of the Galilee camp and Lebanese and Palestinian institutions and activities.
The Committee first described the goals, strategies, and achievements of the campaign during the previous period. The discussion focused on the need to guide the work of the Committee through working at the Palestinian trade union and political level And mobilize Lebanese and Palestinian public opinion through media and networking to move towards decision-makers in Lebanon, And are able to amend the unfair labor laws against the Palestinian refugee in Lebanon.
The meeting included the honoring of two militants who had fingerprints in trade union activity.