Category: Latest news

Spain’s ambassador in Lebanon visits Al-Najdeh Association in Burj Al-Barajneh camp.

Spain’s ambassador in Lebanon visits Al-Najdeh Association in Burj Al-Barajneh camp.

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Burj Al-Barajneh, Association Najdeh received; the Ambassador of Spain in Lebanon, Dr. Jesus Santos Agado, alongside his accompanying team, the Director of the Palestinian Program in UNICEF, Mr. Nazih Yacoub, Ms. Heba Abu Rashid, and the representative of the Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) Mr. Mahmoud Al-Adawi, and their accompanying delegation.

The delegation was received by Ms. Buthaina Saad, Deputy Director of Association Najdeh, projects and programs and the association’s team. The visit came within the framework of inspecting and following up a project ‘Supporting protection services for children, women and families in Palestinian camps and gatherings.’ 

The delegation toured the Centre for Education and Psychosocial Support and the delegation participated in activities for a group of children on equality between boys and girls, as well as other activities.

In conclusion interventions were made on the situation of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

On the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, the Forum of Institutions and Associations.

On the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, the Forum of Institutions and Associations.

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On the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, the Forum of Institutions and Associations Working in Palestinian Centres reiterates the continuation of the Palestinian people in their struggle until their return to their villages and cities, from which they were displaced from in 1948.

The Palestinian people, in all their places of existence, today, May 15, commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nakba of Palestine. This is represented by the occupation of more than three quarters of the area of historic Palestine, the destruction of 531 populated cities, and the expulsion and displacement of about 85 percent of the Palestinian population, forced to flee to neighbouring countries and areas of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, coinciding with their displacement around the world. 75 years of the Nakba and Palestinian people continue their struggle against the Zionist project, declaring their commitment to their land, stressing the importance of achieving its national goals of the right to return, self-determination, independence, and sovereignty.

The continuation of the Zionist occupation is riddled with the looting of land, building settlements, demolishing houses, committing massacres in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and desecrating Islamic and Christian sanctities. As well as, the undeniable prevalence of policies of Judaisation of the city of Jerusalem tied in with isolating it from its Palestinian and Arab surroundings. Therefore, on this occasion, the “Forum of Institutions and Associations” Working in the Palestinian Centres in Lebanon, emphasises the commitment of the Palestinian people in the struggle to restore their national rights, foremost of which is the right of return.

The Zionist occupation and its extremist and racist, fascist government bear full responsibility for its heinous crimes and escalating terrorism against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the entire West Bank, Jerusalem, the holy Dome of the Rock Mosque, and the active occupation of Palestine. It also holds the international community responsible for the continuation of the obstacles put in place after the Nakba, in regards to the occupation and its crimes against humanity. Showing how  Palestinian people continue in all forms of struggle, fighting in the face of the Zionist project. At the forefront of which is the Sharm el-Sheikh – Aqaba security project, and security, economic and normalisation projects in the region, until its legitimate national goals are achieved.

The “Forum of Institutions and Associations” pays tribute to the steadfast and resistant Palestinian people on their land in the homeland and the diaspora, especially in the Palestinian territory of Gaza and Jerusalem, as well as in the various cities in the West Bank and the Gaza strip, appreciating the Palestinian struggle and great sacrifices in order to restore their legitimate rights, until the occupation is defeated and reaches its demise, once and for all, with the Palestinians achieving their right to return.

«Forum of Institutions and Associations» commemorates the 47th Earth Day

«Forum of Institutions and Associations» commemorates the 47th Earth Day

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Every year on March 30, the Palestinian people commemorate the Eternal Earth Day, the occasion that has taken root over the years to become Earth Day and to defend it, and the Palestinians have stepped up their movement in commemorating Earth Day year after year, to emphasise the day, on its 47th anniversary, their adherence to their land and survival in it. On the occasion of the 47th Earth Day anniversary, the “Forum of Institutions and Associations Operating in the Palestinian Centre in


Lebanon” and civil institutions and associations in the camps organised activities to commemorate Earth Day in Palestinian

camps and gatherings in Lebanon. Activities during this day included a solidarity stand and a march where Palestinian flags were raised, along with banners emphasising their right of return to the lands from which Palestinians were displaced, the names of the occupied Palestinian towns, Heritage and folklore activities to enhance the Palestinian memory and narrative of Earth Day and emphasise the right of return and revive the Palestinian national heritage, and a group Iftar for Ramadan. This was met with a wide public participation from across the spectrum of society.

Training workshop on the methods of “learning through action”

Training workshop on the methods of “learning through action”

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Beirut, within the framework of interactive capacity building, the Association Najdeh conducted a multi-stage training workshop on the methodology of “learning through action”. It is a modern educational method based on motivating the young and old to learn through first-hand experience, this includes research, decision-making, conflict resolution, and free expression through various means, including, writing, Artistic expression (activities and games related to the topics raised), dramatic expression (taking up roles), songs, dances, storytelling, etc. The training was attended by the volunteer team and youth committees in the Women and Girls Rights Program, and the training was facilitated by coach Fadi Dabaja.

Ramadan food parcels reach more than 1022 families in Ain al-Hilweh camp.

Ramadan food parcels reach more than 1022 families in Ain al-Hilweh camp.

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Ain Al-Hilweh camp in south Lebanon, the social affairs team at Association Najdeh completed the distribution of food parcels which included essential food supplies such as oil, flour, dates, and rice etc. Reaching over 1,022 families in the camp, the food parcels enable families to better prepare for the holy month of Ramadan and alleviate their constant concern with their ability to provide food for themselves and their families during the days of fasting, in order to enhance the resilience of refugee families in Palestinian camps and gatherings in Lebanon. with support of CAFOD agency, as part of Association Najdeh’s ongoing campaign campaign for the holy month of Ramadan ‘From you to Them’.

A delegation from the Evangelical Lutheran Church, in the United States of America, visits Association Najdeh in Dbayeh camp.

A delegation from the Evangelical Lutheran Church, in the United States of America, visits Association Najdeh in Dbayeh camp.

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Dbayeh, Mount Lebanon: Association Najdeh received a delegation from the Evangelical Lutheran Church, in the United States of America. This included; Rev. Gabe Ailbouni, director of the Church’s Middle East and North Africa Department, Ms. Mary Ann Slewinski, Director of “Resilience Societies” in the church, Pastor Dr. Mitri Al-Raheb, President of Dar Al-KalimaUniversity College of Arts and Culture in Bethlehem, Ms. Jessica Lindbergh Al-Dik, Regional Representative of the Swedish Church, and Ms. Mervat Slater, Program Officer at Christian Aid Lebanon and their accompanying delegation.

The delegation was received by Ms. Leila El-Ali, Director of Association Najdeh, and head of the projects and programsteams. The visit came within the framework of strengthening partnership and cooperation in initiatives to enhance community resilience within the project, “Empowering communities affected by the crisis to implement projects in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon”. Which seeks to enhance the steadfastness of Lebanese, Palestinians, and Syrians through the use of common skills and experiences to organise them and enable them to support themselves and bring about sustainable positive change. The conditions experienced by the region were discussed at various economic, social, and health levels, after the delegation had toured the alleys of the camp, witnessing the conditions. This resulted in interventions being made on the situation of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

Visit of a delegation from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation to Association Najdeh in Shatila camp

Visit of a delegation from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation to Association Najdeh in Shatila camp

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Association Najdeh received a delegation from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, the Director of Programs at the Agency, Mr. Francis Villa, the Country Coordinator of the Movement for Peace, Ms. Sima Al-Sayed, and their accompanying delegation, who were received by Ms. Leila El-Ali, Director of Association Najdeh, project and programs, and the association’s team. 

The visit came within the framework of inspecting and following up a project, ‘Humanitarian support and protection services for women, families of Palestinian and Syrian refugees and host communities in Shatila and Burj Al-Barajneh camps in Lebanon’. The delegation toured the alleys of the camp and participated in the activities of the project, as well as observing the effects of its services and awareness it contributes, such as the defence of the rights of women and refugees in Lebanon, alongside the social problems experienced by the camp. In conclusion, interventions were made on the situation of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

A training workshop with the international trainer Ahmed Qudous.

A training workshop with the international trainer Ahmed Qudous.

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Beirut, within the framework of interactive capacity building, the Social Help Society conducted a two-day training workshop, It included the art of unlimited communication, perception and positive thinking, About NLP techniques. This manifests by using language to access the subconscious mind, and neurolinguistic programming strategies etc. The training was attended by the team of psychologists In the association. International trainer Ahmed Qudous, President of the Arab Council for Neurolinguistic Programming and Human Development Expert, facilitated the training.

Partners in the struggle are partners in decision-making – in Ain Al-Hilweh camp.

Partners in the struggle are partners in decision-making – in Ain Al-Hilweh camp.

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Ain al-Hilweh, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, Association Najdeh organised an interactive and open dialogue seminar under the title ‘Partners in the struggle are partners in decision-making’, given in the presence of both male and female representatives of each of the respective factions, i.e. popular committees, foundations, civil societies, women’s committees, and activists from the local community. After being welcomed by Mrs. Bushra Al-Amin, the speech on International Women’s Day was delivered by the coordinator of the Ain Al-Hilweh branch, Ms. Jehan Awad, and focussed on ‘The role of women’s struggle in all historical stations and their distinctive role’, where glimpses of the struggle of Palestinian women were presented. From the beginning, Palestinian women were and still are partners of men in the Defence of the homeland and had organised and influential Defence initiatives, Ms. Samira Salah, a member of the Palestinian National Council and a member of the Women’s International Democratic Union, spoke about ‘the stages of Palestinian women’s struggle over the years spanning from the Balfour Declaration to the present day. Women have advanced the front lines in the national struggle, possessing a multitude of roles along the way of fighter, captive, martyr, leader, and nanny. Ms. Samira Salah stressed the role of women in the social, educational, and family aspect, and the sacrifices required of women to occupy these hierarchal positions in Palestinian decision-making and in all institutions and forums’. Furthermore, Ms. Rita Hamdan, Director of the People’s Aid Association for Relief and Development, spoke about ‘the struggle of Palestinian women alongside men in the face of the usurping occupier with their strength, and achievements in various fields. Palestinian women who make up half of society have suffered from double, national racial persecution as a result of the occupation and social gender inherited from the societal concepts, customs, and traditions’.


Media journalist, Lina Mayasi, spoke about “the struggles of Lebanese women during the wars that Lebanon went through, and the achievements she was able to achieve in obtaining the right to nominate and vote and amend some laws on women, such as criminalising domestic violence and sexual harassment.” At the end of the seminar, a set of valuable interventions were presented before the attendees.

‘From You to Them’, campaign for the holy month of Ramadan.

‘From You to Them’, campaign for the holy month of Ramadan.

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With the holy month of Ramadan nearing, we thank you for your continued support with our campaigns. We are pleased to announce, in Association Najdeh, our new campaign for the holy month of Ramadan, ‘From You to Them’. This campaign aims to enhance the resilience of refugee families in the Palestinian camps and communities in Lebanon.

We invite you to participate in our campaign, through your contributions and donations by contacting; Social Affairs Program Officer Ms. Yousra Al-Jarad, or through the branches of the association, or through the following account numbers: