The Situation of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon and the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Palestinian Labour in Burj Al-Shamali Camp

The Situation of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon and the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Palestinian Labour in Burj Al-Shamali Camp


Burj Al-Shamali: On the occasion of International Workers’ Day, the Lebanese-Palestinian Coalition for the Right to Work Campaign for Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon organised an interactive seminar and open discussion titled “The Situation of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon and the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Palestinian Labour.” The event was attended by representatives of factions, popular committees, NGOs, women’s committees, and activists from the local community.

After welcoming the attendees, Ms. Aya Mustafa, the coalition coordinator in Tyre, read the coalition’s statement for International Workers’ Day: “No Economic and Social Justice Without Ending the Genocide of Palestinian Workers. Greetings and appreciation to workers worldwide, especially to those in Palestine, Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the occupied territories, who, like other members of the Palestinian people, endure systematic violations by the Israeli occupation: harassment at military checkpoints, targeting of labour and agricultural facilities, land confiscation, and suffering from genocide, starvation, and displacement in Gaza. Special recognition is given to the workers in Lebanon and Palestine who face harsh economic conditions and overcome difficulties to ensure a decent living for their families.” The discussion highlighted key issues affecting Palestinian labour.

Mr. Wissam Tufla, the head of unions in the first district of Jabal Amel, expressed his greetings to all Arab workers and endorsed the coalition’s statement, emphasising the need to amend and implement laws concerning Palestinian refugees. He also stressed the importance of creating youth projects to reduce unemployment.

Ms. Zahra Mohammed, responsible for working women in the Union of Palestinian Workers’ Unions, spoke about the hardships faced by both Lebanese and Palestinian people under difficult circumstances, noting that the situation is particularly harsh for Palestinians who are deprived of the right to work in certain professions due to discriminatory laws. She called on the Lebanese government to amend these laws.

The seminar included valuable contributions from the attendees, and at the end of the event, several workers were honoured for their efforts and dedication in supporting development in their workplaces.