In cooperation with the Child Protection Network in Burj Al Barajneh camp, association Najdeh organized two awareness sessions about the Effects of Drug Abuse and Addiction for a groups of students from Al-jalil Secondary School in Beirut. The session was facilitated by Psychologist Randa Hadad.
On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, Association Najdeh organized various national activities inspired by the occasion (marches and sit-ins) in the camps and gatherings which the association operates.
Supported by Regional Representative of the Office High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in the Middle East and North Africa and funded by the European Union, the Women’s Rights Program in Buss camp organized a training session for the organizations and foundations in the camp on the second supplementary report of the CEDAW agreement. The meeting is facilitated by Dr. Aziza Khalidi.
Supported by Regional Representative of the Office High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in the Middle East and North Africa, funded by the European Union, and in coordination with the FORUM OF PALESTINIAN WOMEN IN LEBANON Women’s Rights Program organized an interactive theater about the gender concepts and definitions in Mazzar school ( Baddawi camp).
As part of the “Learning” project association Najdeh , in coordination with Right To Play organization, has revived The International Dignity Day by organizing national, educational and recreational activities in the camps in which the association operates.
The Women’s Rights Program at Saadnayel funded and supported by Norwegian People’s Aid had organized a workshop about the empowering women to participate in political life.
In coordination with the Dar Al-Salam Foundation, a German delegation visited the centers of the Association in Shatila camp. A meeting was held with the Director of the Association, Mrs. Leila Al Ali, and the staff of the Association in Shatila camp to learn about the activities and programs of the Association, and the delegation visited the camp and the memorial statue and cemetery of Sabra and Shatila massacre.
The delegation is part of “Travels into the civil society”, which has been operating since 2008 to communicate with NGO’s, projects or engaged persons to learn more about the social, cultural or political dynamic of the communities. These visits are organized by the daily newspaper “TAZ” in Berlin, where newspaper staff contact NGO’s and identify destinations
In the first 10 years since 2008, 206 trips with 2,612 participants took place; Most of the group’s travelers are interested in social issues.
Association Najdeh in Burj Al-Barajneh camp received the first lady in Germany Mrs. Elke büdenbender , her accompanying delegation, and representatives of UNICEF and MAP in Lebanon.
Mrs. Elke büdenbender met with the Executive Director of Association Najdeh Ms. Leila Al-Ali, who briefed her on the difficult social, economic and legal conditions of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, the issues and difficulties they face and the programs and services provided by the Association. Children in the center of education and psycho-social support program in the camp performed artistic and expressive shows.
The visit also included a field visit in the neighborhoods and alleys of the camp to see the situation and the problems it suffers.
At the invitation of partners in Building Alternative Development Assets and Entrepreneurial Learning (Badael) project, a consultation meeting was organized in Saadnayel, to present the results of research on the economic and social situation in the region, and to explore the possibility of transforming the challenges into opportunities.
BADAEL is a project funded by EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syria Crisis (MADAD). Its main objective is to contribute to promoting social stability and community resilience to countering the socio-economic drivers of radicalization among vulnerable communities hosting refugees in North Lebanon and Bekaa Governorate.
This project is implemented by Oxfam, Beyond Reform and Development (BRD), and two local NGOs: Utopia for Social Justice and Association Najdeh; and is a part of the “Regional Resilience & Local development Program for Syrian refugees and host communities”.
Beddawi Kindergarten had organized an educational activities for children. The children learned about Autumn Season.
The Kindergartens in association Najdeh rely on active learning that helps children explore and learn by playing and interacting with one another.