A Consultation Meeting Within “Badael” Project
At the invitation of partners in Building Alternative Development Assets and Entrepreneurial Learning (Badael) project, a consultation meeting was organized in Saadnayel, to present the results of research on the economic and social situation in the region, and to explore the possibility of transforming the challenges into opportunities.
BADAEL is a project funded by EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syria Crisis (MADAD). Its main objective is to contribute to promoting social stability and community resilience to countering the socio-economic drivers of radicalization among vulnerable communities hosting refugees in North Lebanon and Bekaa Governorate.
This project is implemented by Oxfam, Beyond Reform and Development (BRD), and two local NGOs: Utopia for Social Justice and Association Najdeh; and is a part of the “Regional Resilience & Local development Program for Syrian refugees and host communities”.