More than a refugee – Nahr al-Bared Camp

More than a refugee – Nahr al-Bared Camp


Nahr al-Bared, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, Association Najdeh organised a conference and open dialogue titled “Refugee and More… The Impact of International Decisions on Refugee Women in Lebanon.” The event was attended by representatives of popular committees and civil society organisations in the Tyre area, representatives of Palestinian factions, and representatives of educational, social, and health institutions, as well as social activists and media outlets.

After a welcoming address by Ms. Abeer Al-Ayoubi, Coordinator of the Women’s and Girls’ Rights Programme in Nahr al-Bared, Ms. Nawal Al-Hasan, Coordinator of the Nahr al-Bared branch, delivered a speech focusing on “Whether it is a day to celebrate women’s struggles or a violation of the rights of Palestinian women and girls to life!! Therefore, international institutions, starting with the United Nations, passing through human rights institutions, and ending with women’s and girls’ rights organisations and agencies, are called upon to apply consistent and non-discriminatory standards to Palestinian women and girls… and about the role of women’s struggle at all historical stages and their distinctive role.”

Dr. Aaid Abu Hussein, a member of the administrative body of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society in Lebanon – Northern Area, spoke about the reduction of UNRWA services and its repercussions on the Palestinian people. He said that stopping funding for UNRWA would lead to many problems, especially health issues for our people, which is a natural right for our people. He also spoke about the multiple health services provided by UNRWA since before childbirth, which are very costly, and also about the services for recovery and others that would be expensive for our people if UNRWA stopped its services.

Ms. Fidaa Aloush, a member of the Lawyers’ Union in Lebanon and the responsible for the activist office of lawyers in the north, talked about UNRWA’s plans to cancel the right of return and to adhere to the conspiratorial deal of the century against our people and our cause, as well as about the concept of neutrality. She defined the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) as the legal, institutional, and political witness to the Palestinians’ right to return to their land and homes from which they were displaced.

A gift was then presented to the activist Nawal Al-Hasan from the Labour Rights Programme for her services and sacrifices amidst enthusiastic applause. Finally, some contributions were taken from the audience, and Ms. Nawal Al-Hasan, Coordinator of the Nahr al-Bared branch, was honoured.