«Forum of Institutions and Associations» commemorates the 47th Earth Day
Every year on March 30, the Palestinian people commemorate the Eternal Earth Day, the occasion that has taken root over the years to become Earth Day and to defend it, and the Palestinians have stepped up their movement in commemorating Earth Day year after year, to emphasise the day, on its 47th anniversary, their adherence to their land and survival in it. On the occasion of the 47th Earth Day anniversary, the “Forum of Institutions and Associations Operating in the Palestinian Centre in
Lebanon” and civil institutions and associations in the camps organised activities to commemorate Earth Day in Palestinian
camps and gatherings in Lebanon. Activities during this day included a solidarity stand and a march where Palestinian flags were raised, along with banners emphasising their right of return to the lands from which Palestinians were displaced, the names of the occupied Palestinian towns, Heritage and folklore activities to enhance the Palestinian memory and narrative of Earth Day and emphasise the right of return and revive the Palestinian national heritage, and a group Iftar for Ramadan. This was met with a wide public participation from across the spectrum of society.