Exhibition at Naher El Bared Camp On the Occasion of the World Labor Day
On the occasion of the World Labor Day, with the 72 anniversary of the Nakba, the Palestinian Lebanese coalition of the right to work campaign of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and under the theme “My right to work is not naturalization”, conducted an exhibition at Naher El Bared Camp, attended by representatives of NGOs, the Palestinian national forces and the Students of local universities.
Various local artists and children participated in the exhibition through drawings reflecting the prospect of the deprivation of Palestinian refugees from basic human rights in Lebanon.
Amina Khalil won first place, Jihad Awad won second place, Leila Awad third place, and Cedra Hussein won the fourth place.
NGOs participated in the exhibition are: Association Najdeh, Solidarity Association, Social Rehabilitation Association, Children & youth Association, Cultural Unity Center, Sawa for Change Initiative, Bait Almaqdis Association.