Educational, Cognitive and Recreational activities for kindergarten children within the Early Learning Project
Educational, Cognitive and recreational activities organized by the kindergartens of Association Najdeh within the Early Learning project under the Learning and Education Program, In order to contribute to improving the cultural, educational and psychological level of the most marginalized groups in the Palestinian societies in Lebanon.
The Early Learning project develops cognitive, linguistic, social and physical abilities and skills of children between the ages 3 – 5 years “.
The learning and education project prepares children to join the primary schools and enables the parents to play a greater role in the educational development and social process of their children through the implementation of a wide range of activities that enhances the communication amongst parents and their children and enables them to address the problems of the child faces in the environment.
This project is an active and a holistic approach of learning, which is based on raising awareness, promoting skills, and increasing creative participatory capacities of children, through: interactive games, sports, theater, reading, trips, awareness regarding the national culture, history, human and child rights, equality, health, etc.