Association Najdeh is a secular, feminist, democratic organisation that was founded at the beginning of civil war in 1976 and was registered in 1978 with the Lebanese Ministry of Municipalities and Interior as an independent non-governmental association (apprised and notified as 0169 /AD).
The Najdeh works mainly with Palestinian women and girls refugees , and through them, with the wider marginalised social strata of the Palestinian community in Lebanon. It also aids other disadvantaged communities who live in the camps and likewise social gatherings.

EuroMed Feminist Initiative in consortium with 9 civil society organizations championing women’s rights in the region, has launched a campaign for 3 years.
We aim to engage and mobilize society as a whole to demand the adoption of a comprehensive legislation that criminalizes all forms of violence against women and girls
Our Vision
We envision a Palestinian society that enjoys full and equal access to all national and international human rights, and where social justice and full equality between women and men prevails.
Get in Touch
Lebanon,Beirut,Afif Al Tebeh St. , Amin Building 3rd floor
+9611302079 | +9611703357 +9611703358