Guy Perrier one of French close friend and strong defender of Palestinian cause and people died. He will never be forgetten
AFPS, Palestinian people and NGOs had lost one of its strong activists this weekend, Guy Perrier, who tied and committed to fight against racism and colonialism, with Palestine solidarity movement, for internationalism and pacifist struggles.
Guy has led the BDS working group for many years, as well as hundreds of activities in solidarity with Palestinian people. He was for the president of the AFPS Afps Lorsud 54 – Association France Palestine Solidarite Local Group South Lorraine, and member of the National Directorate of the association France Palestine.
Guy also committed to the Palestinians and Palestinian children in Lebanon, promoting their rights and raising funds to support their education.
Association Najdeh and Palestinian people and children in Lebanon ppreciate his longstanding support, commitment and fight for their rights.
To his family, to our AFPS friends of the South Lorraine Local Group, to all those who worked with him, we extend our deepest and sincere condolences.
Guy Perrier piography:
Born 1950 and lived for the last 30 years with his partner Mariola Ciecielska. Guy attended Preparatory Class for the Engineering schools in Lyon, at the Lycée du Parc. In 1968, he became interested in labor movements and gave up a fine career as a civil servant to join militant groups. Between 1975 to 1990 he was a Mathematics teacher in Secondary and High School.
Guy obtained the “Agrégation” of Mathematics (the highest degree for a teacher) in 1990 and continued to devote himself to his work as a professor of Mathematics. He moved after that to the Computer Science and resumed all his computer studies at the university, and became Research Professor in Computer Science in 2005 at the University of Lorraine.
From 2014 to 2016 he became Professor Emeritus at the University of Lorraine in Computer Science.
Alongside his work as a teacher, Guy has been involved in the AMFP, Franco-Palestinian Medical Association. Then he became a key member of the AFPS locally and nationally.
He fought all his life for the Palestinian cause.
He died few hours after his participation in the National Board of Directors of the AFPS in Paris on June 18, 2023.